
Nevada County
Tea Party Patriots
P. O. Box 3275,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 270-9004
Email: nctpinfo@gmail.com
From Where I Sit Commentary
by Jan Collins
The views stated below are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the NCTP. The following is the opinion of the author and not necessairly that of the Nevada County Tea Party.

Kevin Kiley

Brad Dacus, President
Pacific Justice Institute
We had a pretty good turn our for our event on April 17th:
When is "Sex Ed" Not Sex Ed?
When California AB-329 became enshrined in law as the Education Code 51930-51939
California’s Newly Re-Vamped Sex-Ed Curriculum Is About To Roll Out…
What You Need To Know
Remember when parents made the choice as to when to tell their children about where babies came from – the newly re-vamped California Healthy Youth Act Bill AB-329 has removed parents right to make that decision. Many of the new revamped health curriculum lessons will conflict with the values taught at home and church. Have you even heard of “spiritual abuse”?
Parents, across the country, are organizing in opposition to the graphic sexualized sex-education curriculum being taught to their children in the K-12 grades at public schools.
People were engaged and there were plenty of questions asked and answered. Kevin Kiley candidate for Senate District 1 seat vacated by Ted Gaines was there and spoke about not only his background but the way things work (or don't) in the California Legislature.
Brad Dacus presentation on AB 329 and what school districts and parents are doing about this offered several suggestions on how to deal with this newly re-vamped law. We will have more to say on his suggestions later.
Thanks to all the help from the folks at Foothills Event Center we were able to stream the event live to the Nevada County Tea Party Facebook page. So if you missed it you can see the entire event at: https://www.facebook.com/NevadaCountyTeaParty/videos/629691334159247/
(Note: It's our first time live streaming so don't be too critical)
Brad also met privately with about 40 of our local citizens prior to our event and reported they also were very engaged and had lots of questions.
We will continue to keep our eye on this topic.
Pacific Justice Institute, is a non-profit legal defense organization, whose mission is to defend – without charge – the religious freedoms, parental rights, and other civil liberties of people who cannot defend themselves. PJI works diligently to provide our clients with dedicated, exceptional legal support completely funded by our generous supporters. supports parental rights to opt their children out of this biased curriculum.
For more information on PJI please go to their website at https://www.pacificjustice.org/
Learn more about Kevin Kiley please go to: https://electkevinkiley.com/
California Pushes Bill to Teach Elementary Kids About Different Sexual Orientations 10.35 min video
A newly created mother-lead parent group from Orange Country went to the Capitol in Sacramento to protest policymakers. California is looking to create new comprehensive sex education curriculum and a proposal to teach gender theory to kindergartners
Where to find California Sex Ed Materials Online 1.28 min video
As of January 2019, this video shows where you can obtain the frameworks/chapters/lessons that we have included on the site for your own review and analysis.