
Nevada County
Tea Party Patriots
P. O. Box 3275,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 270-9004
Email: nctpinfo@gmail.com
We Are Your Neighbors, Friends and Family
We Are the Nevada County Tea Party
The modern Tea Party Movement was born in February 2009, when a MSNBC television reporter, upset with the government bailouts proposed for banks, declared: "It is time for another Boston Tea Party!" Internet traffic exploded as people from all walks of life, from both sides of the aisle and from every corner of America agreed with the report's rant.
Little did that reporter know he lit a flame that burns even today
as Americans more than ever support the Constitutional principles of the Tea Party.
The NCTP brings together like-minded citizens who believe in the principles of Constitutionally Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, and Individual Liberty that have made the United States of America the greatest country in the history of the world with citizens who are willing to place country above political affiliation.
Even as we have seen people elected to office who believe in and support our Mission Statement, we understand our work is ongoing. If we are to succeed at self-governance, it will require our time and effort. We must continue our efforts to provide information and education to our community and our elected leaders. We need to replace our government's power base at the federal, state and especially at local levels with representatives committed, above all, to what is best for our country.
Each citizen needs to become actively involved by attending policy meetings, writing letters, phoning or e-mailing our representatives, or visiting their offices when necessary.
Please join our mission as we work together to promote the principles of self-governance as guaranteed by our Constitution.
We meet the SECOND THURSDAY of the month at the Robinson's Community Room for programs and speakers. Meetings, rallies, and events are posted on our website and social media pages. Plan to join us!

More Information about the Nevada County Tea Party
April 2009 – Nevada County Tea Party was founded just before the April 15th tax protest at the state Capitol in Sacrament0. Since then the NCTP has been active in our community with:
Frequent Rally Attendance – Rallies at the state Capitol and Nevada County re taxation, education issues, etc.
Regular Monthly Meetings - Educational meetings with a program such as speakers, movies, etc.
High Profile Speakers - Including Rafael Cruz, Mark Meckler, KrisAnne Hall, legislators, etc.
Special Events - Boston Tea Party, 4th of July Parades, Constitution Day Parades, Candidate Forums, and a
County Fair presence for several years
Educational Classes - Constitution and Duty of the Jury classes ongoing several times a year
Liberty Camp - Summer camp for ages 8-12 with the third annual coming in June 2023