Nevada County
Tea Party Patriots
P. O. Box 3275,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 270-9004
Email: nctpinfo@gmail.com
We need an Army of Volunteers - Soldier Up "A little or A Lot"
Our on-going Adopt A School program needs volunteers to help with getting information on the Constitution to our schools. Every year we provide Pocket Constitutions to primarily 8th graders.
Will You.......?
Be a Board Member
Update Mailing Lists
Volunteer for Sweet Treats
Write Letters to the Union
Post our Events on Calendars
Coordinate a Lunch Meeting
Help out at events
Share our events on social media
Volunteer for Liberty Camp
Join our group in rallies
Walk/ride in a parade
Man an event booth
Or anything else you think you could do to help the Tea Party accomplish our goals!
Each year the parade has a different theme.
Constitution Day Parade
Takes place every year during Constitution Week
Sept. 17th-21st
An event managers' dream!
This is your opportunity to dress in a themed costume of your choice. Use your imagination to enlist open trucks, antique vehicles, tractors and wagons.
Re-create history and incorporate music, speeches, signs, hats and funny glasses or masks that make your group dynamic and fun.
To get involved click here.
Like Kids? Love our Founders?
If you answered yes, then this volunteer opportunity may be right for you.
Liberty Camp needs volunteers to help make this year's camp a success. This five day camp brings the founding of our country to life for 8 to 12 year olds.
We need parents and teens volunteers. If this seems like a good fit for you, contact us today!
Volunteers step forward for this event!
Please contact NCTP 530-270-9004
Parade Co-Ordinator
A very fun event with lots of volunteers willing to help decorate our float. Time is coming soon to plan for September's Constition Day parade .This is a Nevada City annual event. Is costume wearing in your makeup?