
Nevada County
Tea Party Patriots
P. O. Box 3275,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 270-9004
Email: nctpinfo@gmail.com
Nevada County Election Information
Next opportunity to vote will be the California Primary Election MARCH 5TH, 2024. Many local school board seats, fire district seats, recreation & park district seats will be on the ballot as well as city councils, supervisors, etc. There are also national offices, state offices and propositions.
For more information on candidates endorsed by other local organizations, please see:
Voting Incident? Report it!!
Voting irregularities are becoming more common with each election cycle. Whether it is a polling place event, a ballot issue, or elections circumstance, we highly encourage you to report it. All reports will be compiled to be evaluated for frequency and possible election ongoing irregularity. Let's make sure our elections are safe, secure, and reliable. You can make a report:
NCTP and Election Integrity CA recommend you vote in person on Election Day. Not just drop off your ballot, but go in, sit down and fill out our ballot the old fashioned way! Make sure it is properly tabulated by the scanner before you leave the polling place. The reason for this:
"When you return your ballot in an envelope with your name and address clearly visible, you are, in effect, waiving your right to a secret ballot, as you, the voter, are clearly identifiable. You are also subjecting your ballot to innumerable opportunities for potential manipulation as it passes through hundreds of hands of postal workers, seasonal elections officials, ballot traffickers and signature verifiers.
"This is why you MUST sign up to track your ballot. https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/ If it does not arrive promptly on time, you must politely insist on being mailed a new ballot. Each day that goes by increases the likelihood your ballot had fallen into the wrong hands and will be used to steal your vote."
Please visit our Nevada County Voter Information page to find your nearby polling place.
Candidate Forum
(Attendance at our forums doesn't imply endorsement by the Nevada County Tea Party as we don't endorse, but instead we provide opportunities to educate.​
We invite local candidates for an evening when voters have an opportunity to hear their qualifications and purpose for seeking public office. Many of the local races are for seats on school boards, fire districts, recreation districts, city councils, Board of Supervisors, and county department offices. Our next forum will be for the June 2024 Primary Election.
Nevada County Registrar of Voters
The NC Registrar of Voters' office is currently open for walk-up services, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. They are also available by phone (530) 265-1298 or email elections.mail@co.nevada.ca.us
If you need a certified copy of your voter registration please provide a written request including your name, address, birth date and a check for $1.50. Visit or mail Nevada County Elections 950 Maidu Avenue Suite 210 Nevada City, CA 95959
On the web at www.sos.ca.gov
By phone at (800) 345-VOTE (8683)