Nevada County
Tea Party Patriots
P. O. Box 3275,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 270-9004
Email: nctpinfo@gmail.com
From Where I Sit
Archive of Personal Commentary by Jan Collins
Jan Collins was a long time leader in the Nevada County Tea Party organization. For many years she was also the heart and sole of the Tea Party. It was her vision and personal drive that brought many events and speakers to Nevada County. A small woman with a big personality and even bigger heart for her country and fellow man, Jan proved that if you wanted to get something done get off your duff and just do it!
Jan passed away suddenly on December 17, 2019. She left a huge void in the Tea Party, our community, her circle of friends, the patriot movement, and especially in the hearts of her family. It is a deep honor to archive her writings here on the Tea Party website.
The views stated are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Nevada County Tea Party.
Send comments to nctpinfo@gmail.com